ENG-Concept Note Agenda_SFS-MED_online
Dear Colleagues,
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has the pleasure to invite you to the launching event and first dialogue of the series of the Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Development in Albania project. The event will be held on November 1, 2022, at 09:30-11:30 CET.
The event will be organized in a hybrid format – the detailed venue information and online link invitation will be shared in the coming days.
This country-level project is part of the framework of the SFS-MED Platform – A multi-stakeholder initiative for SFS in the Mediterranean. During the event, National Pathway on SFS, which announced in 2021 UN Food Systems Summit, will be communicated and participants will be encouraged to discuss the needs of elaboration and modification of the Pathway concerning country’s priorities and needs which have emerged since the National Dialogues concluded last year.
In this context, the event has the following objectives:
- To present the status of current policy and strategy after the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021.
- To share the recent study on the impacts of the conflict in Ukraine on the Albanian agricultural sector.
- To discuss the challenges and common goals to achieve SFS in Albania – from the perspective of experts/advisors from different Ministries, national and local institutions.
- To discuss the status of current practices/businesses, challenges, and goals to achieve SFS in Albania – from the perspective of the private sector, farmers and the rural community.
Please find attached the Concept note and Agenda.
Kindly confirm your online participation by sending reply to barbara.battioniromanelli@fao.org; or aisela.beqiraga@fao.org by Friday, October 21st.
Looking forward to meeting you there.
Best regards,